Speed Dating in a different way: how SMEs benefit from creatives from graphic design & digital media.
Date: 5 October 2019, 10:00 - 12.00
Location: OFFF Vienna, Hall E, MQ Vienna, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Vienna
- You are part of a small or medium-sized business and would like to have designers and digital experts explain to you what they can do for your business success? Get to know 4 creative people and let them give you impulses on how to optimize your business.
- Are you working in the field of graphic design or digital media and would like to meet representatives of SMEs with creative needs? Do you want to give them an understanding of your working methods and approaches - and get personal feedback and new contacts with potential clients?
Join the crossover workshop for SMEs and designers with a speed dating of a different kind at the OFFF Vienna. The workshop is limited to 14 people (7 creative people, 7 representatives of SMEs).
Welcome and explanation Procedure & rules
round of introductions
Speed Dating with ideas Jam: Creatives explain approaches and solutions. Important: the workshop does not serve the purpose of delivering free concepts. Creatives receive feedback from the entrepreneur on their presentation
Conclusion: Exchange of contacts between creatives and SMEs for possible future cooperation.
Peter Schreckensberger, consultant and coach for design management, UnitedDesignPartners, will lead through the workshop.
Sign up right away!
- Participants of the X-Over-Workshop have free access to the OFFF Vienna for the duration of the workshop.
- Attention: The places for designers are already taken. Registration is still possible for companies who want to purchase design services as customers.
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For you and your company we have
Personal invitation: Kickoff job description Industrial Design Start of the stakeholder process to develop a job description for industrial design. Having succeeded in anchoring Industrial Design in the list of free trades with a modern trade wording, we are taking the next step for the industry: a job description will contribute to a proper, comprehensive and appreciative understanding of Design/Industrial Design. Such a job description will be published on the WKÖ website and will provide a comprehensive description of the field of activity. We cordially invite you to the digital roundtable: Kickoff for the collection of ideas for the job profile on Thursday, 1.9.2022 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. We will send you the link to the online meeting in good time. We are already looking forward to your binding registration. Note: Participation is only possible by personal invitation. Error: Contact form was not found.