GET TO KNOW ICE-Innovation by Creative Economy
GET in TOUCH with the Players of Creative Industry in South East Europe and Alpine Space (SEA)
20th January 2022 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.Â
We are pleased to invite you to an information event on our adventure to build an Innovation Agency for the Cultural Creative Sectors and Industries in Europe, a 520 billion Euro market ranging from Architecture over Design to Music, Film, Games and Performing Arts.
To do so the ICE (Innovation by Creative Economy) Consortium is applying for a 150 million Euro seed funding at the European Institute for Innovation and Technology
Our application is built on 50 partners from 20 nations ranging from business to university, from RTO to investors, stakeholders from the knowledge triangle of Education, Business and Innovation, and supported by the German and Italian government.
Kreativwirtsschaft Austria (KAT) plans to establish a Co-Location Centre in Vienna in the Framework of ICE to engage a vibrant CCI community and offer service and advise to the Region of Alpine Space and South East Europe.
10:00-10:15: Get to Know Each Other Round
10:15-11:00: Presentation ICE by Bernd Fesel, Lead ICE Consortium
11:00-11:20: Presentation of CLC by Gerin Trautenberger, Kreativwirtschaft Austria
11:20-11:50: Networking and Matchmaking in Breakout Rooms with Stakeholders in SEA
11:50-12:00: Wrap Up and what's next by Gerin Trautenberger
Find here a fact sheet and introduction on the aims and activities of our ICE Innovation Agency.
20.01.2021 10:00-12:00 ONLINE (link will be sent to registered participants)