Round Table Industrial Design
Stakeholder process on the concept of design in the list of free trades
"Design of the external form of products according to purely visual and tasteful aspects without constructive planning activity to the exclusion of any activity reserved for a regulated trade, in particular engineering offices (consulting engineers) (design)", is the current description of design in the list of free trades. Is this definition of design still up to date? Is industrial design in particular adequately defined?
As Kreativwirtschaft Austria, KAT for short, we want to question this determination with experts, designers and design representatives and discuss alternatives in a moderated process with the support of trade law experts MMag. Dr. Carmen Simon-Klimbacher and DDr. Leo Gottschamel. The result can be the starting point for an initiative to change the list of free trades.
Participation is possible via invitation.
Monday, 25.01.2021
10:00 to 12:00, Online
Photo above: Kumpan Electric / Unsplash.