Foundation, development & scaling
The entrepreneurial and investor perspective
In his talk on founding, building and scaling companies, Max Scheichenost provides many practical tips and insights into his everyday business life and shares his experiences as an investor and entrepreneur. Scheichenost Investor, Founder & Managing Partner Alps Ventures and Head of Digital Transformation Agency FALCON Agency. "I try to create new companies from existing structures and then scale them. One of the success factors for a successful team and business model is 'start smart, scale hard'. Besides a good idea, 90% of success really depends on the team." In addition, Max Scheichenost sheds light on important factors such as timing, business model, speed and USP. In addition to describing growth capital routes, he also delves into the different stages of startup: From the idea and pizza in the living room, to the first office, to press coverage, appearances as a keynote speaker and finally the different management levels. When raising growth capital, he recommends building a network of diverse investors and doing a reference check. He advises conservative expense spending and a well-chosen support team of attorney, tax advisor, financial and HR experts. "You will get more NO's than YES's - don't take it personally and ask for constructive criticism."