WKO Info Service

FAQs for entrepreneurs about Covid-19, answers to questions about short-time work, closures or aid measures, sector and country information, initiatives and programmes can be found on the Infopage of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber. Please visit the website regularly, as there are always innovations in the measures, which will be published as soon as possible.  

ÖKB credit funds for export companies

Together with the Federal Ministry of Finance, the Austrian Kontrollbank is responding to the Covid 19 effects and providing companies with additional credit funds amounting to 2 billion euros. In total, the credit line comprises two billion euros. The revolving loans are primarily intended to secure the exporters' locations and continue their operations. The financing is initially limited to two years.

Hardship fund: safety net for small businesses

The economic effects of the Corona crisis have put the existence of small companies in particular at risk. The Republic of Austria reacts quickly and sets up a hardship fund for one-person enterprises (EPU), micro-enterprises, new self-employed persons, freelancers and non-profit organisations, which is endowed with 1 billion euros. The aim is to use the hardship fund's support to help the companies and organisations concerned by...

Catalogue of questions to the Federal Administration for Art and Culture

The Austrian art and culture interest groups have come together to form a joint platform to clarify the most urgent issues in dealing with subsidies and other public policies. For this purpose, a first catalogue of questions was handed over to the Federal Administration for Art and Culture, Vice Chancellor and Federal Minister Werner Kogler and State Secretary for Art and Culture Ulrike Lunacek. Here the -...

Cultural Disaster Fund of AKM and OESTIG

The Cultural Disaster Fund of AKM & austro mechana in the amount of 1,000,000 Euros is available to music authors who get into financial difficulties due to significant royalties or loss of fees and thus get into existential problems. It also serves to secure liquidity by providing bridging assistance and loans. The performing arts society OESTIG will use its funds, which are still to be quantified, to...