Next Renaissance

Next Renaissance:How to shape a better future together We believe that the creative and cultural sectors, and especially the blending of scientific, technological, cultural and artistic knowledge, can be a catalytic driver to both imagine and realize possible futures. We aim to develop a global movement that sees this task as common sense and urgent....

Opening European Culture & Creativity Days Vienna

Welcome to the European Culture & Creativity DaysVienna Join us in celebrating EIT Culture & Creativity, the newest Knowledge and Innovation Community within the European Institute of Technology. EIT Culture & Creativity aims to strengthen the European cultural and creative sectors and industries (CCSI) by connecting creatives and organizations with Europe's largest innovation network, investing...

Next Materials

Next Materials:How to bring circular materials from the lab to the market? Explore the impact of advanced and circular materials on architecture and design. Discover how sustainable approaches can enhance competitiveness while aligning with the EU's circular economy goals. Don't miss the chance to learn about the intersection of science, design, and sustainability. Learn how...

Open Data of the Past

Open Data of the Past:How uniting creative minds with digital cultural heritage not only shines a light on historical treasures but also propels us to aim for the stars? Creative innovators are pivotal in shaping the Big (Open) Data of the Past - an endeavour undertaken by the Time Machine network bridging Europe's history with cutting-edge digital...

Next Manufacturing

Next Manufacturing:How unique aesthetics and sustainable approaches bring fashion production back to Europe The endless creation of new clothes comes with a heavy environmental price. The following numbers cannot be repeated often enough: Every year the sector requires 93 billion cubic meters of water, which is enough to meet the consumption needs of five million...

Investment Forum

Investment Forum:Why are Creative Industries a prime opportunity for Investors & Start Ups? Unveil the extraordinary potential within the creative industries at our exclusive Investment Forum: Pioneering pathways for investors & startups. From the captivating realms of gaming and media to the pulsating beats of fashion and music, a universe of opportunities awaits visionary investors...

Creative Lunch

Creative LunchBeyond ordinary networking In cooperation with Creative Lunch Club we are hosting the format "Beyond ordinary networking". The Creative Lunch Club was founded by Digital Marketer Klaus Heller and is a community for people working in the creative industries. Meeting other creative and inspiring people is one of the best things about working in...

Policy Forum

Policy Forum:How do we unlock the Transformative Power of the Cultural & Creative Industries for Cities and Regions? Nowadays cities and regions frequently encounter shared challenges: the isolation of urban centers, the reclamation of brownfields, the haunting specter of business vacancies, uncertainties in terms of green, digital and societal transformation and the drain of intellectual...