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New now! The service product "Gamechanger Energy" is online

The exciting results and helpful tips from the creative experts from the "Gamechanger Energy" transformation workshop can now be found on a new landing page.

Rising energy costs are continuing to put companies under pressure to cut costs and change and are fuel for far-reaching change, which, in conjunction with the digital, ecological and social transformation, also offers opportunities for new value creation.

In the successful transformation workshop "Gamechanger Energy" with experts from the creative industries and companies from the food and regional economy sector, solutions along the value chain were presented on how companies can remain competitive in the future despite rising costs. The most important questions were answered during the workshop:  

  • How can I find new approaches in production, sales and marketing and what do I need to change effectively in my business model?
  • What opportunities can I use to reposition myself and achieve the associated green transformation?
  • Should I think about new offers, communication, partners or even new customer groups?


The exciting results and helpful tips from the creative experts can be found here as an infographic and on our new landing page "Gamechanger Energy"!