The Creative Industries Austria (KAT) of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber welcomes the announced innovation protection umbrella for the creative industries: An additional 3.8 million euros in funding will be made available for the creative industries. Furthermore, in the course of the "innovation protection umbrella" of the Federal Government, formats such as workshops, coaching and mentoring are available for the creative industries. "These measures are right and important for a successful new start", says KAT chairman Gerin Trautenberger.
For the predominantly small structured companies in Austria, losses in turnover can quickly become a threat to their existence", says Trautenberger. "Losses affect all creative sectors, sometimes with a time lag due to the specific business models. This makes it all the more important to maintain the economic performance of the creative sector". Especially in times of crisis, the creative industries, their solution competence and innovative strength are needed. "What has been built up in recent years with the creative industries strategy for Austria must now be used to master the crisis with innovative strength," emphasises Gerin Trautenberger.
APA-announcement of the BMDW: 3.8 million Euro additional funds for the creative industries
Utl.: Minister of Economics Schramböck: "As a national economy we cannot afford
cannot afford to lose this great creative potential and entrepreneurship.
Dornbirn/Vienna (APA) - An additional 3.8 million euros in funding will be made available for the creative industries. Minister for Economic Affairs Margarete Schramböck (ÖVP) stressed the importance of this sector during a visit to Dornbirn on Friday. "Our economy must become more resilient, we must manage to bring production back to Austria. This can be achieved through creativity and innovation," Schramböck said.
The Minister of Economic Affairs pointed out that with 42,300 companies, every tenth company in Austria is part of the creative industries, which employ 153,000 people. With 22 billion euros annually - 7 billion euros of which in the software/gaming sector - the creative industries generate 3.8 percent of the gross domestic product, almost twice as much as the automotive industry. Every euro of added value in the creative industries generates 1.7 euros of added value in the economy as a whole. "As a national economy, we cannot afford to lose this great creative potential and entrepreneurship", Schramböck emphasised.
The creative industries were particularly hard hit by the economic crisis triggered by the corona pandemic, as they are closely intertwined with the event, gastronomy, tourism and culture sectors. According to the minister, the instrument of short-time work is "less suitable" for the small-scale structure of the creative industries than for other sectors. That is why a 3.8 million euro innovation umbrella has been set up for the creative industries. 3 million euros will be distributed for projects that provide answers to new needs that have arisen in the wake of the Corona crisis. 800,000 euros are available in the form of subsidised workshops, coaching, mentoring, etc.
State Secretary Magnus Brunner (ÖVP) emphasised the role of the creative industries as a source of impulses and ideas. The goals in the area of the environment - for example, that of being climate-neutral by 2040 - can only be achieved through innovation. "We need every creative idea and every spark of courage for Austria's economic comeback," said Brunner.
Vorarlberg's economic councillor Marco Tittler (ÖVP) reported on the state's measures to stimulate the domestic economy. The package is endowed with around 60 million euros. Tittler mentioned the three focal points of research and development, skilled workers and digitalisation, which are of great importance, especially for the creative industries. Special attention is being paid to the topic of e-commerce.
(end) jh/maf