"Female Scale-Up" of the WKÖ and KAT supports the development of entrepreneurial growth strategies
A new programme directly from the creative industries especially for women
"It is and remains important to empower women. There are so many great female entrepreneurs in Austria who we, as the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber, accompany and support to advance and develop their business. The creative industries, with their crossover effects on the economy as a whole, are a particularly important branch of the economy and can act as a turbo," says Mariana Kühnel, Deputy Secretary General of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber (WKÖ). Female self-employed are burdened by the crisis in several ways, by additional family tasks and at the same time increased economic pressure. The income cover is particularly thin in female-led businesses. According to the 9th Creative Industries Report of Kreativwirtschaft Austria (KAT), every fourth company in the creative industries is run by a woman. These companies now have the chance to work on their growth strategies in a new "Female Scale Up" workshop series. "With the new programme, we accompany strong female entrepreneurs from the creative industries together with experienced mentors to develop innovative, well-scalable, forward-looking business models. Each one thus invests not only in her business but also in her network and exchange at the same time - a priceless asset," says Kühnel. The four-day digital programme is a funded measure of KAT within the framework of the BMDW's Creative Industries Strategy for Austria. The workshop series will start on 7 April 2022.
Strong mentors support the participants
On four half-days, strong mentors such as Isabell Claus (thinkers.ai), Theresia Kohlmayr (urbanauts) and Hannah Lux (Vollpension) provide insights into their businesses and support the participants with their individual entrepreneurial challenges. Focal points such as internationalisation, scaling, digitalisation/positioning and cooperation/networking are dealt with in the digital workshops. The power of the partners in this project is also impressive: Frau in der Wirtschaft, Austria Fashion Board, Creative Region Linz & Upper Austria, IAB austria, kreativland.tirol, Österreichische Marketing-Gesellschaft, Fachgruppe Werbung und Marktkommunikation Wien, Direktmarketing Verband DMVÖ, Marketingclub Österreich MCÖ, CampusVäre Vorarlberg and others.
All details about the programme as well as the link to the application are available at the following link: www.kreativwirtschaft.at/femalescaleup
Photo: Nadine Studeny Photography