Boosting Competitiveness and Innovation Capacity of SMEs Through Creative Partnerships and the Use of New Technologies - Worth Partnership II
Budget: 4 million Euros
Deadline: 01.02.2021
This action will contribute to theWorth Partnership Project aims at creating partnerships between SMEs (e.g. manufacturers, craftsmen, retailers) and designers and other creative professionals as well as SMEs active in the field of new technologies (including ICT and digital). The project will be implemented via a trans-national platform
- Task 1: Scouting, identification and matching of potential project partners (SMEs, designers and technology providers), and selection and validation of partnerships via transparent calls for expression of interest;
- Task 2: Providing tailor-made support/coaching to selected partnerships (e.g. on business development, technology transfer, market analysis, IPRs); Page 9 of 49
- Task 3: Ensuring information is communicated for the calls for expression of interest launched under the project and dissemination of project's results;
- Task 4: Drafting a Report on Innovation through Creativity in the WORTH Partnership Project II.