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Insight EIT Culture & Creativity

EIT C&C: What is it about and how it aims to bring Creative Industries on the next level?

Created in Europe is the vision of the newly founded EIT Culture and Creativity. The mission is to unlock the latent value of Creative Industries to contribute to the recovery of Europe.

EIT Culture & Creativity is the newest Knowledge and Innovation Community (KIC) supported by the European Institute of Innovation & Technology bringing together 50 partners from 20 countries to create new innovation opportunities for Europe’s creatives!


The European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) has been strengthening Europe’s capacity to innovate since 2008. With a network of 3 000 partners and over 60 innovation hubs spanning the continent, the EIT is the largest innovation ecosystem of its kind.

The Institute supports dynamic pan-European partnerships, EIT Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KICs), composed of leading companies, research labs and universities each dedicated to solving a pressing global challenge, from climate change to health, to renewable energy. To date, the EIT has set up nine KICs, the newest one being EIT Culture & Creativity.

KICs foster innovation by working across the entire innovation chain: they design unique education courses that combine technical and entrepreneurial skills, support innovation-driven research projects, and offer business and acceleration services, enabling European innovators and entrepreneurs to connect and cooperate.


Culture and creativity is the soul of Europe, with the power to improve lives, transform communities, generate jobs and growth, and create spill-over effects into other sectors, ensuring that Europe becomes the powerhouse of innovation in the world, and so will the EIT C&C kick-off in 2023 to serve the Cultural and Creative Sector (CCSI): one of the largest, most diverse ecosystem of 9 Million stakeholders.

EIT will connect all players in the CCSI along the knowledge triangle: education, innovation and business to extend it to reach civil society and public authorities. This EIT will cover all traditional cultural and creative sectors as well as emerging fields and novel research directions. The EIT C&C will build on the multitude of SMEs and very small players and cross-fertilize with the largest players to deliver and scale innovation.

Kreativwirtschaft Austria is actually establishing one of six Co-Location Centers within the EIT C&C. A hot spot to gather and support the Creative scene in Vienna. We are working on funding and cooperation opportunities to unleash the transformative power of CCI in Alpine Space and the South East Europe region. Stay tuned!